Get involved as a member

If you're interested to join us and become a Rotarian, the easiest way is to come to one of our meetings! Come, introduce yourself, and connect with us as a supportive and energetic community.

We meet most Tuesdays, 12:00-1:15pm, at the Marriott Hotel at 350 E Horsetooth, or via Zoom.

We keep our meeting details up to date on our Meetup page and Events Calendar.

Get involved as a supporter

We constantly have projects and fundraisers underway to benefit causes both in the local community and worldwide. We work in partnership with local non-profit organizations, large charitable causes, other Rotary Clubs around the globe, and Rotary International.

We have a number of fundraisers throughout the year:

  • Purple Pins for Polio
  • Pickleball tournament
  • Fort Collins Peach Festival

We'd love to have you join us for these, and contribute in any way! Let's make a better world together!

Get involved as a speaker

Our noon group often hosts speakers on a wide variety of topics. If you have something you'd like to offer, please contact JD Murphy.

Support us!

Charitable contributions:

Club expenses:
Please support our website sponsors!