We welcome your interest in sponsoring our Rotary Club. To make things easier, we have these yearly sponsorship levels which help you budget and get visibility over the course of a year, but of course you can also support specific events if that works better for you.

These funds are used to defray the costs of operating our Club and support our charitable activities so we can maximize the good we're doing in the community and the world!

Platinum Sponsor - $5,000 / year

Benefits include:

  • Top level sponsor and team entry at Purple Pins

  • Event sponsor at Peach Festival

  • Named sponsor on Club website linked to your website

Gold Sponsor - $2,500 / year

Benefits include:

  • Lane sponsor and team entry at Purple Pins

  • Gold sponsor at Cornhole Tournament (banner, logo, social media, 3 entries, board set)
  • Named sponsor on Club website linked to your website

Silver Sponsor - $1,000 / year

Benefits include:

  • Lane Sponsor and team entry at Purple Pins

  • Silver sponsor at Cornhole Tournament (banner, logo, social media, 2 entries, board set)

Event Sponsor - $350 / year

Benefits include ONE of the following:

  • Lane sponsorship and team entry at Purple Pins

  • Logo on Club website linked to your website

Other outside donations will always be accepted for any event and for any dollar amount.

Payments accepted either via check (payable to Foothills Rotary Club) or via your quarterly member billing. Your sponsorship is for one year from the time we receive the payment.

Please contact our Sponsorships Coordinator if you have questions or would like to support us at one of these levels.

Please support our website sponsors!