Meeting attendance is critical to the success of our club. Please plan to attend and engage in as many club activities as you can. Your satisfaction will be directly related to your level of engagement.
In addition, the club has various service projects to which you will be asked to contribute your time. We need strong support of these projects to continue our tradition of strong leadership and service in our community.
Foothills Rotary is totally self-supporting.
These amounts include club operations, Rotary International dues, District dues, community service contribution, Paul Harris Fellowship contribution and Foothills Rotary Foundation contribution.
Periodically we sponsor dedicated fund-raising efforts for club projects; contribute as you can.
Most social events held by our club are self-supporting and you will be invoiced for the events in which you choose to participate.
In addition to time and finances, every good service organization requires the energy of its members. Please bring an abundant amount of your energy to each meeting and Rotary event.
Our club always strives to have fun at whatever we do. Service brings us together while the ability to have fun keeps us together! As a member of Foothills Rotary, you must be prepared to have fun at all times and under any conditions. THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE REQUIREMENT!