Students from Germany and Liberia
Speak About Their Home Countries
Two students from Germany and one student from Liberia will give presentations about their home countries from 6-7:30 pm Wednesday, Nov. 20, at the Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures. Admission to the program is free, and information will be available for students interested in the exchange program or families interested in hosting an exchange student.
The presentation has been organized by the ASSE International Student Exchange Programs in partnership with The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange scholarship and The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study program.
“ASSE’s mission is to foster international understanding through educational and cross-cultural programs,” said Heidi Albin, the ASSE Representative for Northern Colorado. “This is about helping students experience opportunities that will help them achieve their future aspirations.”
ASSE maintains 38 offices in 31 countries and annually accommodates more than 30,000 high school students and host families in its programs with participating countries.
The Global Village Museum is located at 200 West Mountain Avenue, and Museum hours are 11 am to 5 pm Tuesday through Saturday. For more information and closure dates during the change of exhibits, visit globalvillagemuseum.org or call 970-221-4600.